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For a thorough  discussion about Konglish and a downloadable shareware dictionary, visit David Kent's Discourse of Konglish. For a new page providing categorized examples of Konglish, visit Leon's Konglish Page. This page is a celebration of all the mistranslations, mispronunciations,and just plain wackiness resulting from collisions of Korean and English. This certainly includes English speakers' strange uses of Hangukmal. 

 Contribute to the Kraziness by 
emailing your contribution  to the Konglish Page
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Konglish Corner '98
Konglish Corner '99

In our school, as most, we use non-permanent board markers.  One day, while carrying a few in my pocket between classrooms, I noticed that the cap had come off one of the pens making an unsightly stain on the front of my pants.  I was fully aware that the young students would not let this go unnoticed but thankfully(?) the pen was red so surely the last thing they would think of was that I had urinated myself or something.  I walked into class and all of the students noticed the red stain but now it looked like blood, to which they all screamed in Korean- "Pee!  Pee!" 
Ian Ross

I only hope this was a mistake. I ate at an Italian restaurant in Taegu yesterday and the first on the menu was "Goose Liver Parfait" Really hits the spot on a nice hot day!

I'm sure everyone has had one of these but it's funny and confusing at the same time...enjoy.

Ceylon Tea 
Ceylon Tea. Now dream of Tea is distilled each pure drop a tear of joy A vision of paradise for men lost in their dreams Sailing the Indian Ocean towards new horizons Ceylon Tea. 
finally, it may not be konglish but funny none the less.
 From the now-defunct, but still available in some corner stores.
 The taste of my cigarettes is soft, smooth and sensual(pause) just like my romantic life.
 Omar Shariff

Lionel Neves

Hey All..  wow memories of Konglish.. 

I taught English in Taejon back in 1995 and I have many memories.  I certainly remember the Pocari Sweat, and the Donkey Chicken fast food joints, but here are some of my favourite Konglish moments. 

From a postcard I bought to send to my sister reads: 

Good morning. 
You and I 
have to love 
long long. 
It is I get to road to you cleared face. 

My favourite candies you could by at the neighborhoud shikpum, were Black Cookies and the best...."Crunky" chocolate bars. 

In Taejon, don't know if it is still there, but there's "Pizza LLOYT"  which is "This Pizza Looks Like
Only Your Taste" where the menu consists of 2 memorable items: 

    High Supreme component Pizza 
    Perfect remeat Pizza 

I saved the add, phone 253-5335 or 256-5335 when in Taejon.  :) 

Some statioinary, that has Konglish written on it send from a Korean friend reads: 

"If there is a confusion in the friendship between a man a woman, it's because of multi-language from the scent of the opposite sex...." 

I could write the whole thing but here are some highlights: 

"Tears in each frustration space in consensus"  - now that's DEEP!! 

"Let's stop having the whole field to myself.  Before nostalgia which will come back later Even though I may go through the painful lapse of memory" 

and on and on... 

Hope all those crazy waeguks are having fun.  You guys take.  I will be back to Korea for a vacation in January can't wait to see you again 

Ethan Lincoln
ÀÌ»ê ¸µÄÁ
Winnipeg, MB, Canada (Decemeber 2000)

My female friend was talking to a male classmate in her ESL class.  While talking, he kept putting his hand on her arm and she felt a bit uncomfortable so she asked him politely to stop.  He asked her, "How come?"  She answered back, "By airplane."  He gave her a puzzled expression and tried again.  "How come?"  Once again, she replied, "By airplane."  At that, he dropped the conversation.  She later on found out what it meant and laughed at herself and the situation.  =0)
H E Pyun 

Oh, the pencil cases!  Poetry in motion sickness if you ask me. Here are two poems that were printed on two of my students' pencil cases: "Get Wind"
Spirit of her I love.  Whiz to me stores of sweet visions as I rove; 
here stop, and crop with me, flowers that in the still hour grew.
Strange, but I almost feel the sentiment in that one.
Untitled (or I forgot)
When you are alone think of me.
I'll always there for you
because you make me fun.

Ah, as sweet as soju.


We live in Koje and we were amused by this shop name after becoming aware just how important the brides' virginity is in Korea weddings:  Hyman Weddings (bridal gown shop!)
Mike & Tash

meaning alluring often illusionary charm
In Konglish: voloptuous
Henny Savenije

On my way to Koje city, i saw the following sign at a highway rest 
stop, "Terminal Bakery."  Needless to say I didn't indulge.
Mr. C. H.

Seen  beautifully stitched in ten centimeter high letters on the back of a jacket " You will bethe gay with the most good looks amoung your friends"
Karl Rugen


When I was mountain climbing up Mt. Soyo (1 hr by car north of Seoul) I found the following printed on a sign:

"Fairy section of a bath house"

The sign was meant to direct people to different places on the mountain.  I  forget the Korean original but it turned out to be just a natural "bowl" of water where legend has it fairies went down to bathe.  But I joked with my Korean friend that it sounded like a bath house for homosexual people.

I hope it's funny enough!!                                                        - David Berry, Seoul

Not Konglish, and not meant to offend, but these are my favourite 
names of people I have taught.

1) Oh You-bum
2) So Soo-mee
3) You-suk

One of my students came to class very excited.  She told us she had 
just  seen an "erection candidate" in the elevator.  Turns out her excitement  concerned the man's status as a politician who was running in the  upcoming  "election."

- Phil Schroeder, Seoul

Two interesting signs seen in Seoul:

Labia (coffee shop)

Hair Virus (hair salon)

- Phil Schroeder, Seoul

Sign saw in a tailor shop in Pusan:  "Ladies having fits upstairs"

Finishing a meal with a Korean student who was forcing herself to 
finish everything on her plate, I told her she didn't have to do that. She replied "I feel sorry for it" (she didn't want to waste it).

Dusty  ;-)
Is this a marriage proposal or what? A sign in a flower shop over the holidays which read "Marry Christmas"...I think I would like to meet her.
John L.
- Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 03:05:01 (KST)

I went shopping for something personal and found a brand name, "The Day." Mmmmmm...Carpe Diem. Well, that seemed a bit more exciting and sultry than "Try."
Pusan, SK of course - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 18:45:13 (KST)
While teaching in a middle school, one of the teachers came to school wearing a shirt with a logo that said, "Feel Me Up." Was it only my high school days or does this ring a bell with anyone else?
- Sunday, January 02, 2000 at 23:13:52 (KST)