Pusanweb's Exclusive Inteview 
with Hong Suk Chon
the first prominent Korean to 'Come out of the Closet'

October 12, 2000 - Comedian and actor Hong Suk Chon made history last week when he became the first well known Korean personality to announce publicly that he is gay. While filming a recent feature on PIFF2000, we came across Hong and asked him what he wanted the foreign community to know about the significance of his unprecedented announcement. Click here to watch his response. For more about Hong you can read this Korean Herald story.

English Transcript
Q:  What would you say to foreigners who are trying to understand the significance of what you did - being the first famous Korean to 'come out' in public?

A:  This is something very personal and for foreigners it's no big deal, but in Korea 'coming out' is a major issue.  I want foreigners to know that there are some Koreans like myself, who can reveal the truth about being gay.
    Some foreigners have shown respect for what I have done, but this is really a very difficult time for me and I am suffering a lot,  so I hope people will give me support and encouragement.