The Expatriate
May 1998
Dear expat,

I would like to your attention the article entitled "The Fukuoka Visa Run" In this article you mention that US and Canadian citizens do not require a visa to enter Japan. You however forgot to mention Australian, New Zealand and British citizens. When I went to Japan I nearly found out to late that I needed a 90-day tourist visa to enter the country for only 24 hours. I'm not aware of the situation now or that of British and 
New Zealand citizens, but I feel this information should've been included as not all expatriates in Pusan are from the US or Canada.  Also the romanization (romaji) of Japanese in "Japanese Primer" is not that which I was taught in Japanese class in high school.

Smimaseng - Sumimasen
To ir - Toire
Eiko - Eigo
Beer kdasai - Biru kudasai
Ichi radeska - Ikura deska

Yours sincerely,
