
Movie Review : Angels and Demons

I really had no idea what to think about this film. I remembered all of the talk about the first film, "The Da Vinci Code" and I wanted to get a better idea of the Catholic faith, so I asked a friend of mine, who is catholic ,to see the film with me and to give me his ideas about the film. After we saw the film, we both agreed that, its a "Popcorn action flick" but not that good of one due too many errors thought the film and some really bad story plots and ideas.


HUGE SPOILERS AHEAD................................................



Movie Review : Halloween (2007)

I am reviewing the workprint.


Movie Review: Star Trek

I really went into this film, absolutely, wanting to destroy this film piece by piece.


Movie Review : Bakwji or Thirst

In the last few months I have seen 3 vampire films, One from the USA Twilight, one from Sweden, Let The Right One In and the new film from Park, Chan-wook called Bakjwi or Thirst. What I found interesting about these 3 films is that I hated the American film, Twilight, and loved the 2 smaller films, "Let The Right One In" and "Thirst."


Movie Review : X-Men Origins: Wolverine

As many of my readers know, I have some very different ways that I see some movies before they are released and a few weeks ago, A copy of X-Men Origins: Wolverine was released and I was able to obtain a copy of it. I saw the film and wanted to write a review utterly destroying the film and warning you, the reader, not to waste your $$ on this film.



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