New Years Eve

New Year's Eve is upon us and lots of things have been added to the calendar, so for those who haven't checked it out, here are some of the highlights:

Busan City New Year Festival Events happening in both Youngdusan Park and Haeundae Beach. Click the link for details!

At the Bars:

Up in PNU it's the annual New Year's bash with Soul Trane, Moe's, Crossroads and B-Side hopping till the early hours of 2008, and with free drinks at midnight.

In Kyungsung, it's much the same with Busan's best DJs spinning in the new year at Vinyl Underground and good tunes and vibe at Ol' 55. Drink specials, too!

Also in Kyungsung, Kino-Eye is having The Last Reel Party, a bash to ring in the new year with drink specials.

Swinging back to PNU is drink specials all night and a 40/40 draw at Cuba, owned by the former Camel Bar owner.

If you're looking for something a bit more tame to do the lights get turned on Christmas Tree Festival at Kosin University at 7:30 pm. Spin by to see their annual light offering and for a preview, Busan Mike has a great photo-entry on his blog to check out before heading up.

Whatever you choose to do to ring in the New Year, the Pusanweb management team wishes you and yours all the best in 2008!

(and if anyone is interested in helping out to keep Pweb alive in the new year, as always, we'd be more than happy to hear from you!!!!)