The U.K.'s Very Own Eugene Blake @ Vinyl Underground

Eugene Blake (UK): London Style mashup eclectic electro, random house, random bands, random French shit. Not so randomly, very cool.

Don't miss this night!  Eugene is a quality DJ / Producer from the UK who is currently booking manager @ Seoul's superclub M2 and Apgujong's high class / high roller massive new club The Answer.

Among the creme de la creme of DJ's, Producers, Promoters and Booking Agencies, the word on the streets is Eugene Blake is a top callibre dj who smashes every crowd, in any club, in any frame of reference.

Eugene Blake will be showcased allongside the Busan Vinyl Resident DJ's:  Miego, MOA, Short Fiction and J.

for more info hit up:

Don't miss this one!  Cosmopolitan underground steeze, ya dig?
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