Shabana (Indian)

The owner of Shabana assured customers that she was relocating and that she'd be open within a week. This was in March 2007. Thus far, the restaurant still hasn't reopened. We are going to keep this listing up for a bit longer in the hopes she'll reopen.

Shabana offers authentic, reasonably priced dishes of your usual Indian fare. Open 11:00-15:00 and 17:00-23:00. Closed on Mondays. Telephone number 051 621 4821, 010 6802 4828. From the Century 21 building across from Kyungsung University, either take a left at Pizza Hut, and then your first left, walk to the end of the block it's on the 3rd floor across from the Buy the Way. OR, walking from Vinyl to the subway, it's the second street on your right, across from Buy the Way

Business Listing and Review:


Shabana Indian Restaurant Located in Same Location as before, But owner is changed to a Indian owner.