How do I submit content to Pusanweb?

Pusanweb is always looking for people to submit new stuff, or to help update the old stuff. We like content of every kind: blog links, living guides, businesses, groups, organizations, name it.

To submit your own content is generally easy. In most sections of the site, you can upload your content yourself. In order to do this, you need a Pusanweb account. Unfortunately, no one program does everything, so there are 4 different areas of the site that require IDs--and you have to register for them all separately (classifieds, general forums, job advice forums, Pusanweb main).

To register, go to and scroll down to the User Login area on the left menu. Create an account and login to the site. Simple.

While some areas of the site require a manager to upload your content, other areas of the site allow you to upload your own content.

Find out your content type requirements by clicking on the section below to get started. If you don't know where to put your content, feel free to "Contact Us" using the above link.