December events

December is a busy time time in Busan with lots of events on the calendar.

Saturday, December 8th is Pusan Poetry Plus+ 38 at the Monk Jazz Club in Dayeon-dong. Anyone is welcome to perform, but are asked to sign up in advance. Contact info is in the calendar entry.

Ever wanted to try your hand at kimchi making? Well, December 12th is you chance. BFIA is hosting this event and you must register. Visit the BFIA page for the application form.

December 15th will be a rocking night with Las Pistolas, a Seoul-based rock group, swinging down to Ol' 55 for one night only.

Also on December 15th the NNC (Native and non-Native Collaborator's Group) is hosting a Bachelor and Bachelorette Auction as a fundraiser for Busan orphanages at Vinyl Underground. There will also be a silent auction and food and drink specials all night. Specific donations will be accepted at the door for the orphanages as well.

On Wednesday, December 19th, Koreans go to the polls to vote in a new president. For us foreign non-voters, we get a day off. Election Day in S. Korea is a statutory holiday!

And the last event on this update is the international touring cast of the musical Jesus Christ Superstar is coming to Busan from Dec. 21 to 23rd. For those interested in musicals, this is a rare chance to see one in English.

As always, we want your submissions. Help us keep the calendar up to date!