
The 25 most disappointing films of 2008

The 25 most disappointing films of 2008 are:

25.Pride and Glory How can a film with Edward Norton and Colin Farrell actually be this bad? It was a failed attempt to look at corruption within the NYPD with brothers being on opposite sides of the issue. A bad film that was rightly buried by its distributor New Line Cinema.


The 25 most surprising films for 2008.

The 25 most surprising films for 2008.

25. Cass A film from the UK that showed what one man did to rise to power and how he became a better man because of it. I had no idea about this film but the preview looked good and I decided to watch this film. A small film that deserve a viewing for all film fans.


The 25 worst films of 2008.

The 25 worst films of 2008.

25. Baby Mama I was told that this film was a comedy and that I would laugh at it. I was told that it had an interesting plot and that I would like it. After seeing this film, none of the above was true. I have no idea why Tina Fey made this film but it failed on every level.


The Top 21 film of 2008

This is my 4th end of year best films list and once again I am breaking the films down into 5 categories (The best films of the year, the worst films of the year, the surprises of the year, the disappointments of the year and the last is what I like to call my WTF!!!) (WTF=why in the Frack was this film made)



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